Friday 24 February 2012

Most Common Reasons of Weight Gain …

The reasons of weight gain vary as much as we women vary in everything else. It’s frustrating, though, to do so well on your diet, then months later realize you’ve gained some weight back… but the common reasons of weight gain aren’t mysterious, or at least, they don’t have to be! Here are the 10 most common reasons of weight gain.

1. Stressed eating
I eat, and I eat poorly, when I’m stressed. Sometimes I don’t even realize what, or how much, I’m putting in my mouth. Naturally, if I’m stressed for more than a day or two, these empty calories can really adding up, so if you’re a stressed eater like me, this will be one of your biggest reasons of weight gain, too. One alternative to stressed eating is exercise — you’ll be burning calories, rather than consuming them, and the exercise has been found to help relieve stress much better than cheesecake does.

2. Emotional eating
Just like stressed eating, emotional eating can be a cause of weight gain. If you eat when you’re sad, lonely, bored, or for other emotional reasons, the food isn’t going to help.

3. Skipping exercise
To date, there has never been an effective weight-loss plan that didn’t include some sort of exercise. The mistake we make, though, is that we often tend to stop exercising when we’ve reached our goal weight. Big mistake! If you stop exercising, you’re not burning the same number of calories, so even if you haven’t changed your diet, you’ll still end up with a surplus in calories, which in turn is a reason of weight gain.

4. Accidental over-eating
If we believe what restaurants tell us about serving sizes, it’s no wonder we gain weight: on average, their portions are about two and a half times what we ought to be eating at a meal. So if you’re eating what a restaurant serves you, then you’re accidentally over-eating, which is sure to be a reason of weight gain.

5. No-cal lies
Why is it that our food rules allow companies to market products as low-cal or no-cal, when, in reality, they’re not? I heartily recommend checking labels on low-cal and no-cal foods just to make sure… seriously, this is true.

6. Not getting enough sleep
Did you know if you’re not getting enough sleep, you might be gaining weight? Regular, good sleep is imperative for our bodies to function properly, and if they’re not functioning properly, you could be gaining weight, without even having the momentary joy of cheesecake. Boo!

7. Feeling the pressure
Is weight gain of a pound or two such a bad thing? As women, our bodies tend to fluctuate every few weeks, adding a pound or two, then taking it away… if you’re weighting yourself every day, you’ll notice it, and might be worried, but could it be the pressure from our skinny-supporting society, including the pervasive, perverse media? Don’t let someone else, including me, tell you what weight you need to be at. Healthy is what you’re going for, not insanely ridiculous “perfection.”

8. Med side effects
There are lots of over-the-counter and prescription medications that list “slight to moderate weight gain” in their side effects. If you’re experiencing weight gain you can’t explain with any of these other reasons, check with your doctor to see if one of your medications could be the culprit.

9. Hormonal changes
In item 7, I mentioned the natural fluctuation of women’s’ body weights across the weeks. I was of course referring to the slight weight gain that can occur during the days leading up to our periods. Don’t worry! As soon as your cycle comes back to the beginning, the water weight and puffiness you’ve experienced will melt away. 

10. Muscle vs. fat
My personal trainer drove this point home when he started taking inch measurements in addition to scale measurements. See, as your body adjusts to weight loss and gain, it changes, not just in pounds, but in inches, too. And as you become healthier, and build more lean muscle as opposed to fat, you might actually gain weight, since that lean muscle weighs more than fat. It sounds scary, and counter-intuitive, but it’s true, and it’s a very good thing!

Thursday 23 February 2012

Effective Ways to Lose Weight in Your Thighs

Losing Weight in Your Thighs can seem like an insurmountable task. While there’s no way to lose weight in just one particular area of your body, it is possible to lose weight, and keep it off, across some key muscle groups… but wouldn’t it be nice to lose weight in your thighs? I’ve consulted my personal trainer for advice on ways to lose weight in my thighs, and he’s given me some very good advice. Again, you cannot lose weight in just one spot, but you can target a few key muscle groups that will help you lose weight in your thighs… ready?

1. Kick up The Cardio
Chances are, you already have a very good cardio workout, one that gets your heart thumping for forty minutes a day, four days a week. If not, it’s time! And remember, you need to be a sweaty mess when you’re done, or your cardio wasn’t intense enough. Hop on the treadmill, take a class, hit the elliptical… go!

2. Go for An All-over Loss
In the intro, I told you a simple truth: there’s no way to lose weight in just one area of your body, no way to lose weight in your thighs only. But you can go for an all-over weight loss, and that will, naturally, help you lose weight in your thighs… and butt… and tummy… all over!

3. Target Your Legs And Core
When you’re exercising, add in a heavy round of core and leg exercises. That will help tone the muscles in your thighs, making them firmer and tighter… add that to your overall weight loss, and even if you’re not just losing weight in your thighs, it sure will look like it!

4. Don’T Skip The Weights
Don’t’ be afraid to add a couple of days of weight training into your workout routine if you want to lose weight in your thighs. I know the fear is that you’ll have overly muscular legs and thighs, but unless you make that your primary focus, it’s not going to happen.

5. Bear Weight
Weight-bearing exercise is important in any workout routine, especially if you want to lose weight in your thighs and legs. Weight-bearing exercises can be on the elliptical, on the treadmill, or simple running or walking outside.

6. Don’T Bear Weight
The flip side of that coin is the non wright-bearing exercise, something you’ll also need. These exercises include swimming, biking, and even rowing.

7. Avoid High-Carb, High-Fat Foods
Researchers aren’t exactly sure why, but they’ve done studies that show foods high in calories, carbs and fats go straight to our problem areas. So if you want to lose weight in your thighs, and keep it off, avoid foods loaded with calories, carbs and fat.

8. Be Comfortable with Your Natural Shape!
Let’s face it: women are curvy, naturally. That’s how we’re designed! If your thighs aren’t as tiny as you’d like, so what? Not everyone is meant to be a size four. As long as you’re healthy, embrace your womanly curves!

Fast Exercises to Lose Weight

There are so many Fast Exercises to Lose Weight, how do you know which will work best for you? You have to find the right combination of weight-bearing exercise, non weight-bearing exercise, cardio, and weight training to get the best results, and you have so many choices! Here are 9 fast exercises to lose weight… how will you combine them to get the results you want!

1. Swimming
Swimming is not only a fast exercise to lose weight, it’s also one of the best low-impact exercises, it’s a great cardio workout, and it’s easy! Sign up with a local pool, or invest in a backyard version for yourself… it’s a splurge, but they’re not as expensive as they used to be!

2. Elliptical
Oh how I love my elliptical! I set the timer, set my resistance, launch my Kindle, and I’m off! It may seem a little clumsy at first, but once you get used to using an elliptical, this will be one of your favorite exercise machines, too.

3. Running
Running, jogging, even fast walking… all of these are fast exercises to lose weight, and all are also very good cardio exercises, too. If you’re out of shape and know you’ll tire quickly, start slow, with a fast walk, and see how quickly you can go from there to a jog, to a run, to maybe a marathon! Who knows?

4. Rowing
Whether you’re doing it in a lake on a boat or in the gym on a machine, rowing is an excellent exercise to lose weight. It’s good for your heart, it helps build lean muscle, and, if done correctly, it’s great for your core. The trick? Don’t lean back. Keep your stomach muscles tight, and when completing the rowing motion, pull the bar (or oars!) towards your middle, rather than leaning back.

5. Rock Climbing
It’s all about the upper body strength, with a little agility, forward thinking, and bravado thrown in for good measure. This is also an ideal fast exercise to lose weight because (a) you can do it with friends and (b) it’s never, ever boring. Adrenaline rush, anyone?

6. Callisthenics
There’s a reason people have been doing calisthenics for centuries: they work. Push-ups are, according to my personal trainer, the world’s most perfect fast exercise to lose weight. Combine them with lunges, squats, crunches, jumping jacks, and more, and you have a perfect exercise routine.

7. Team Sports
While this isn’t a fast exercise to lose weight all on its own, it can be. Curling is technically a team sport, but you’re not going to lose weight doing that! Try soccer, or basketball, or roller derby — any team sport that forces you to run around, keeping your heart thumping and you sweating for a half hour or so.

8. Skating
Ice skating, speed skating, even hockey — these are some marvelously fun, year-round fast exercises to lose weight, and to tone your legs and butt and core, and they’re great cardio! Plus, you’ll look so cute in your ice skating gear…

9. Dieting!
I know, I know, this isn’t an exercise. But it’s worth mentioning because no exercise regimen will help you lose weight unless you’re following a well-balanced, healthful diet.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

8 Ways to get Great Abs if You are a Girl

Hit any gym in America and you will see that today’s women are just as eager to shape up their bodies as the men. Unfortunately, women seem to have a difficult time sculpting their midsections. Generally, women must work much harder and longer to achieve the washboard abs they have been dreaming of. Fortunately, it’s not impossible! You just have to know the right methods that will work for you. The typical man’s ab workout isn’t going to work for every woman. Here are 8 ways to get great abs if you are a girl.

1. Practice the Inverted Bicycle

You might remember this little exercise from elementary P.E. class. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and spin those legs like you are riding your bicycle. Always remember to breathe throughout your exercise time and pace yourself. To step it up, gently lift your head and crunch in as you “pedal”.

2. Try Some Abdominal Aerobics
You need to be moving your body to get the results you will need. You have to burn the belly fat before your ab muscles will be visible, no matter how toned they are! By burning fat cells you reduce the amount of fat you have in your abs and then begin to build muscle in it’s place. Step aerobics with knee lifts are a great abdominal exercise you can do from home.

3. Do Crunches Using an Exercise Ball
Crunches are a great way to shape up your abs. Sit on your exercise ball resting your lower back on the ball and placing your feet on the floor and place hands behind your head. Do crunches up and back while keeping your lower back on the ball. 

4. Add Complex Core Exercises
Complex core exercises require you to keep your abs stable while your body moves. Using an exercise ball while doing pushups is an example of a core exercise. You can also play a game of tug-of-war to use these muscles as well.

5. Try Some Old Fashioned Sit-Ups
Sit-ups work the core of your body and they don’t require any equipment. For the best results, do fast paced sets and keep your form sharp. Focus on correct breathing and contracting your abs with each movement.

6. Do Repetitive Cardio Routines
These high energy routines can keep you moving and allow your body to firm up from top to bottom leaving you with great abs. Cardio routines and good for your overall health.

7. Try the Plank Position on Elbows and Toes
Lie face down and rest on your forearms. Push your body off of the floor resting body on your elbows and toes. Keep your back in a straight line with your head and toes. Tilt your pelvis and then hold for about 20 seconds. Lower back to floor and then repeat several times.

8. Don’t Forget Your Diet
Getting great abs takes more than exercise. You also need to eat a healthy diet designed to blast belly fat. Completely avoid all white flour products and cut sugar out of your diet. Eat plenty of protein which helps increase muscle growth which in turn, fuels fat loss. Also make sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and most importantly, stay hydrated.

Best Exercises for a Perfect Butt

1. Front Lunges
Front lunges are one of the absolute best exercises for your butt. To start, stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Take a big step forward with one leg, bending at the knee, until your knee is at a 90 degree angle. Step back. Repeat 15 to 20 times with each leg.

 2. Side Lunges
A side lunge is very similar to a front lunge, only instead of stepping directly forward with one leg, you’ll go forward and to the right (with your right leg) or left (with your left leg). Whew! It’s hard to keep your balance!

3. Back Lunges
Again, these are very similar butt exercises to the front lunge, only (you guessed it!) instead of stepping forward, you’ll step backward. You might have to do these a little more slowly than the front lunges to avoid a fall, at least at first.

4. Squats
These are my own favorite exercises for my butt. Stand with your hands and arms straight in front of you, then, keeping your back straight, squat as though you’re going to sit in a chair behind you. Stop when your thighs are level with the ground, and your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. If it helps, you can lean against a wall to keep your balance.

5. Running
Running isn’t just great cardio! It’s also a marvelous exercise for your butt! Even a good jog or brisk walk can help tone your tush. Lace up your shoes and go!

6. Leg Lift
Lie flat on your back with your legs straight, and raise one leg straight in the air. Try not to bend your knee! Then, with your arms and hands flat on the ground, raise your hips off the ground. Hold for five seconds. Repeat ten to fifteen times with each leg. Feel the burn! This is one exercise for your butt you’ll feel right away! It also helps strengthen your core.

7. Scissor KicksThese are a Jane Fonda classic, but they work! Lie on one side, all straight, propped up on one elbow. Lift your outside leg slowly, keeping both legs straight. Hold it in the air for 15 seconds, the lower your leg. Repeat 15 times one each side.

8. Forward Bends and Kicks
Stand with your feet together, arms at your sides. Then bend forward while raising one leg behind you, and stretch your arms out in front of you for balance. Whew! It may not sound difficult, but this is one exercise for your butt that’s surprisingly tough! Repeat 10 to 12 times.

9. Standing Diagonal Kicks
Stand straight with your hands on your hips. Slowly raise one leg diagonally, behind you (not directly behind you). Hold it there for ten to fifteen seconds, then slowly lower it. If you need to, you can place your hands on the back of a chair for balance.

10. Stair Stepper
Here’s another machine you’ll find at the gym, designed to exercises your butt. The stair-stepper is also great cardio, but beware if you have weak knees… otherwise, step away, and firm your fanny!

Friday 10 February 2012

How To Lose Weight Without Exercising

Many women who are eager to shed unwanted weight opt to hit the gym and sweat it off. If you have neither the desire, nor the time, to do this, you do have other options. Women who don't exercise do not have to resign themselves to a life of shopping in the plus-size section. In fact, an article in the Aug. 9, 2009, issue of "Time" magazine even reported that the benefits of exercise, according to some, have been overstated as many exercisers use their physical activity as an excuse to treat themselves, negating their hard work. While losing weight without exercise is not a simple task, with attention to your food intake, and dedication to diet modification, you can accomplish the feat.

Step 1
Change the type of food you eat. Trade the fat-heavy foods that currently fill your diet for lean proteins, veggies and fruits along with a selection of whole grains. These foods are not only less likely to cause you to gain or retain weight, but they are also better fuel for your functioning body.

Step 2
Focus on portion reduction. Educate yourself on proper portion size by reading food packaging closely. Work to avoid going over these portion sizes, as over-consumption is a common weight-gain causer and weight-loss inhibitor.

Step 3
Keep a food journal. Stay on top of what you are eating to ensure that extra calories don't sneak into your well-planned diet. Because you don't intend to exercise, limiting your calories is paramount. Write down everything you eat, recording the number of servings as well as the type of food.

Step 4
Calculate your calorie consumption. Use a calorie-counting tool, such as a calorie reference book or a free website, to assign a calorie value to each food in your journal. Add up your calories each day to determine how much fuel you put into your body.

Step 5
Determine your daily calorie needs. Use your age, height, and build type to determine how many calories you need to eat. Use a diet reference book or a website to accomplish this task.

Step 6
Review your journal, and modify to align your consumption with your needs. If your calorie intake is higher than it should be, look back through your food records and determine what you could cut out of your daily diet. Consider which foods carry the most calories yet offer few nutritional benefits, and remove these items from your diet.

Foods to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle

Gaining muscle and losing weight can go hand-in-hand, because muscle burns more calories than fat does. By adding strength training, Pilates or resistance bands to your exercise routine, you may be better able to reach your weight loss goals, according to the KidsHealth website. You can also be successful losing weight by choosing the right types of foods.

Your Metabolism
Trying to lose weight by starving yourself is not a good idea. For one thing, your body needs proper nutrition to improve strength-training performance. In addition, according to, your body compensates for being starved by slowing down and conserving calories. The best way to lose weight is by burning more calories than you eat, and the best way to do that is by eating healthy food and exercising.

Your Diet
To lose weight and gain muscle, you need carbohydrates for energy and a moderate amount of fat and protein, according to the American Dietetic Association. How intensely you exercise determines your diet. You might want to consult with a sports dietitian to help you develop a personal eating plan. If you aren't getting enough calories, you can lose muscle in addition to weight.

About Carbs
You need carbs to give you energy while you exercise and to prevent injury. A good rule of thumb is to eat 2.3 to 3.6 grams of carbohydrates per pound. If your focus is on weight loss, then keep your carb intake closer to 2.3gm per pound. A good way to get carbs is through whole-wheat breads and pastas, quinoa, brown rice, fruit, dairy sports bars and sports drinks, according to the American Dietetic Association.

About Fat
You need a certain amount of fat in your diet to insulate your organs. Your diet should include 20 to 35 percent of healthy fat. Eat foods, such as fish, nuts and seeds. Use oils made from nuts or vegetables. You want to limit saturated fats that you get from full-fat dairy products and highly marbled meat. Smarter choices are low-fat or fat-free dairy products and lean meat. Avoid trans fats all together.

About Protein
You need protein to build and maintain muscle. The amount of protein you need varies, based on your exercise program. Your doctor or sports dietitian can advise you. Good protein sources are fish, poultry, lean meat, yogurt, cheese, low-fat or non-fat milk, eggs, beans, lentils, dried peas and soy products.

After Your Workout
To speed up your recovery time after working out, eat some carbs and protein within 30 minutes. You can eat a banana, peanut butter or yogurt, for example. If you don't feel like eating after working out, you can have a protein shake or a protein energy drink, says Martica Heaner, fitness expert, writing for MSN Health and Fitness.